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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 55300370

PostgreSQL: serial vs identity - Stack Overflow

Better to use SERIAL PRIMARY KEY or GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY for primary key in PostgreSQL

https://dba.stackexchange.com › questions › 316026

Difference between PRIMARY KEY and SERIAL (with index)

You need a primary key or unique constraint as the target of a foreign key constraint. Indexes are not part of the SQL standard, but constraints are.

https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com › en › uuid-serial-or-identity-columns-for-postgresql...

Auto-generated primary keys: UUID, serial or identity column? - CYBERTEC

Numbers generated by a sequence and UUIDs are both useful as auto-generated primary keys. Use identity columns unless you need to generate primary keys outside a single database, and make sure all your primary key columns are of type bigint.

Auto-generated primary keys: UUID, serial or identity column? - CYBERTEC

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-serial

Using PostgreSQL SERIAL to Create Auto-increment Columns

It is important to note that the SERIAL does not implicitly create an index on the column or make the column the primary key column. However, this can be done easily by specifying the PRIMARY KEY constraint for the SERIAL column.

Using PostgreSQL SERIAL to Create Auto-increment Columns

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-identity-column

PostgreSQL Identity Column - PostgreSQL Tutorial

Introduction to PostgreSQL identity column. PostgreSQL version 10 introduced a new constraint GENERATED AS IDENTITY that allows you to automatically assign a unique number to a column. The GENERATED AS IDENTITY constraint is the SQL standard-conforming variant of the good old SERIAL column.

https://vladmihalcea.com › postgresql-serial-column-hibernate-identity

PostgreSQL SERIAL or IDENTITY column and Hibernate IDENTITY generator

The id column is also the Primary Key of the post table, and it uses a SERIAL column type. The id column will be automatically be assigned the next value of the underlying post_id_seq sequence generator.

PostgreSQL SERIAL or IDENTITY column and Hibernate IDENTITY generator

https://towardsdatascience.com › exploring-the-right-fit-choosing-primary-keys-for-your...

Exploring the Right Fit: Practical Considerations on Primary Keys ...

Explore the trade-offs in choosing the right primary key type for your database, focusing on UUIDs and alternatives, and their impact on performance, design, and scalability.

Exploring the Right Fit: Practical Considerations on Primary Keys ...

https://pganalyze.com › blog › 5mins-postgres-uuid-vs-serial-primary-keys

UUIDs vs Serial for Primary Keys - what's the right choice? - pganalyze

In E59 of “5mins of Postgres” we’re talking about UUIDs vs Serials for primary keys. In our last episode, we talked about what happens if you use a regular four byte integer for your primary key and you then run out of space.

UUIDs vs Serial for Primary Keys - what's the right choice? - pganalyze

https://supabase.com › blog › choosing-a-postgres-primary-key

Choosing a Postgres Primary Key - Supabase

Primary keys are important. They uniquely identify rows of data in tables, and make it easy to fetch data. The job of a database is to archive and recall data and you're going to have a hard time finding data without a good primary key or a good index.

https://wanago.io › 2022 › 02 › 21 › serial-type-identity-columns-postgresql-typeorm

Serial type versus identity columns in PostgreSQL and TypeORM - Wanago

In this article, we compare primary keys with the serial type and identity columns in PostgreSQL and TypeORM