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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Geometric_primitive

Geometric primitive - Wikipedia

In vector computer graphics, CAD systems, and geographic information systems, geometric primitive (or prim) is the simplest (i.e. 'atomic' or irreducible) geometric shape that the system can handle (draw, store).

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Primitive_(modélisation)

Primitive (modélisation) — Wikipédia

Dans le vocabulaire de la 3D, les primitives sont des formes géométriques de base pouvant être créées sur demande par le logiciel. Elles sont mathématiquement parfaites car elles sont régies par des formules mathématiques, par opposition aux objets maillés.

https://www.lelivrescolaire.fr › page › 36414691

Primitives - Lelivrescolaire.fr

1. Connaître les dérivées de fonctions de référence. 2. Connaître la dérivée d'une somme, d'un produit, d'un quotient de fonction et d'une fonction de la forme x \mapsto f (a x+b). Exercice 1. Dérivée des fonctions de référence. Déterminer la dérivée de chacune des fonctions suivantes sur leur ensemble de définition \text {I.}

Primitives - Lelivrescolaire.fr

https://threejs.org › manual › en › primitives.html

Primitives - Three.js

Primitives are generally 3D shapes that are generated at runtime with a bunch of parameters. It's common to use primitives for things like a sphere for a globe or a bunch of boxes to draw a 3D graph. It's especially common to use primitives to experiment and get started with 3D.

https://www.cs.princeton.edu › ... › spr10 › cos226 › lectures › 21-61GeometricPrimitives-2x2.pdf

6.1 Geometric Primitives - Princeton University

Geometric primitives. Point: two numbers (x, y). any line not through origin. Line: two numbers a and b. [ax + by = 1] Line segment: two points. Polygon: sequence of points. Primitive operations. Is a polygon simple? Is a point inside a polygon? Do two line segments intersect? What is Euclidean distance between two points?

https://gamemath.com › book › geomprims.html

Geometric Primitives - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development

Sections 9.2–9.7 cover a number of specific important geometric primitives, including methods for representing those primitives and some classic properties and operations. Along the way, we'll present a few C++ snippets.

Geometric Primitives - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development

https://courses.cs.washington.edu › courses › cse455 › 24sp › recitations › 03_Geometric...

Geometric Primitives & Transformations - University of Washington

Geometry is essential to Computer Vision! Geometric Primitives in 2D & 3D. Homogeneous coordinates, points, lines, and planes in 2D & 3D. 2D & 3D Transformations. scaling, translation, rotation, rigid, similarity, affine, homography.

https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu › 91primitives

6.1 Geometric Primitives - Princeton University

We create a number of data types for geometric objects in the plane. Although we will only introduce a tiny set of computational geometry primitives, they arise in numerous applications, including computer graphics (movies, games, virtual reality), computer vision, data mining, VLSI design, mathematical models of the physical world ...

6.1 Geometric Primitives - Princeton University

https://primer.dynamobim.org › ... › 12-2_Geometric-Primitives.html

Primitives géométriques | Guide Dynamo

Primitives géométriques. Bien que Dynamo soit capable de créer diverses formes géométriques complexes, les primitives géométriques simples constituent la base de toute conception informatique. Elles sont soit directement exprimées dans la forme finale de la conception, soit utilisées comme armature à partir de laquelle une géométrie ...

Primitives géométriques | Guide Dynamo

https://www.youtube.com › watch

What are 3D Primitives?: The Basics of Topology - YouTube

In this video, we’ll cover the cornerstone of 3D modeling: Geometric Primitives. We’ll be defining key terms first before proceeding with demonstrations of h...