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https://developer.mozilla.org › ... › JavaScript › Reference › Global_Objects › Promise › allSettled

Promise.allSettled() - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The Promise.allSettled () static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise. This returned promise fulfills when all of the input's promises settle (including when an empty iterable is passed), with an array of objects that describe the outcome of each promise.

https://developer.mozilla.org › ... › JavaScript › Reference › Global_Objects › Promise › allSettled

Promise.allSettled() - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

La méthode Promise.allSettled() renvoie une promesse qui est résolue une fois que l'ensemble des promesses de l'itérable passée en argument sont réussies ou rejetées. La valeur de résolution de cette promesse est un tableau d'objets dont chacun est le résultat de chaque promesse de l'itérable.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 59784175

Differences between Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() in JS?

Promise.allSettled: It returns a promise which resolves when all the promises in the array are settled (rejected or resolved). Note : Both of them take an iterable and return an array containing the fulfilled Promises.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › how-to-use-promise-allsettled-in-javascript

How to Use Promise.allSettled() in JavaScript - freeCodeCamp.org

Promise.allSettled() is a game-changer, allowing you to wait for all your promises to settle – either resolve or reject – and then take action based on the results. No more ruined promise chains or unhandled rejections.

How to Use Promise.allSettled() in JavaScript - freeCodeCamp.org

https://www.matthieufesselier.com › blog › promise-allsettled-pour-resoudre-toute-mes-pro...

“Promise.allSettled” pour résoudre toute mes promesses

Vous connaissez sûrement Promise.all, qui prend en entrée un tableau de promesses, et renvoie une promesse qui se résout lorsque l’ensemble des promesses passées en argument le sont. const promise1 = new Promise ( (resolve) => { setTimeout (resolve, 400, ' it resolves' ); }); const promise2 = new Promise ( (resolve) => {

“Promise.allSettled” pour résoudre toute mes promesses

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › javascript-promise-allsettled

JavaScript Promise.allSettled() Method - JavaScript Tutorial

The Promise.allSettled() method accepts an iterable of promises and returns a new promise that resolves when every input promise has settled with an array of objects that describes the result of each promise in the iterable object.

https://dmitripavlutin.com › promise-all-settled

How to Use Promise.allSettled() - Dmitri Pavlutin Blog

Promise.allSettled(promises) is a helper function that runs promises in parallel and aggregates the settled statuses (either fulfilled or rejected) into a result array. Let's see how Promise.allSettled() works.

How to Use Promise.allSettled() - Dmitri Pavlutin Blog

https://dev.to › shameel › javascript-promise-all-vs-allsettled-and-race-vs-any-3foj

JavaScript Promise: .all() vs .allSettled() and .race() vs .any()

The Promise.all and Promise.allSettled methods are both used to work with multiple promises, but they have different behaviors when it comes to handling resolved and rejected promises. Here are the key differences between the two methods:

JavaScript Promise: .all() vs .allSettled() and .race() vs .any()

https://www.slingacademy.com › article › javascript-promise-allsettled-method

JavaScript Promise.allSettled() method (with examples)

Promise.allSettled() is a JavaScript method that takes an array of Promises and returns a new Promise that resolves after all the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected.