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https://pypi.org › project › aiomysql

aiomysql · PyPI

aiomysql is a “driver” for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework. It depends on and reuses most parts of PyMySQL . aiomysql tries to be like awesome aiopg library and preserve same api, look and feel.

https://dev.mysql.com › doc › connector-python › en › connector-python-asyncio.html

9.3 Asynchronous Connectivity - MySQL

Learn how to use mysql.connector.aio package to integrate asyncio with MySQL interactions in Python. See code examples, usage with context managers, and running multiple tasks asynchronously.

https://github.com › aio-libs › aiomysql

GitHub - aio-libs/aiomysql: aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL ...

aiomysql is a "driver" for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework. It depends on and reuses most parts of PyMySQL . aiomysql tries to be like awesome aiopg library and preserve same api, look and feel. Internally aiomysql is copy of PyMySQL, underlying io calls switched to async, basically yield from and asyncio.

GitHub - aio-libs/aiomysql: aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL ...

https://pypi.org › project › asyncmy

asyncmy · PyPI

asyncmy is a fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver, which reuse most of pymysql and aiomysql but rewrite core protocol with cython to speedup. API compatible with aiomysql.

https://blogs.oracle.com › mysql › post › mysql-async-connectivity-with-connector-python

MySQL Asynchronous Connectivity with MySQL Connector/Python - Oracle Blogs

Learn how to use mysql.connector.aio, a dedicated Python package for asynchronous MySQL connectivity with asyncio. See code examples, benefits and installation instructions.

https://aiomysql.readthedocs.io › en › stable

Welcome to aiomysql’s documentation! — aiomysql 0.2.0 documentation

aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework. It depends and reuses most parts of PyMySQL . aiomysql tries to be like awesome aiopg library and preserve same api, look and feel.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 24374058

Accessing a MySQL connection pool from Python multiprocessing

I'm trying to set up a MySQL connection pool and have my worker processes access the already established pool instead of setting up a new connection each time. I'm confused if I should pass the database cursor to each process, or if there's some other way to do this?

https://pypi.org › project › asmysql

asmysql - PyPI

asmysql is a library for using the MySQL asynchronous client, which is a wrapper for aiomysql. Code supports type annotations. Very easy to use, simply inherit the AsMysql class for logical development. Supports automatic management of the MySQL connection pool and reconnection mechanism.

https://github.com › snower › TorMySQL

GitHub - snower/TorMySQL: The highest performance asynchronous MySQL ...

Presents a Future-based API and greenlet for non-blocking access to MySQL. Support both tornado and asyncio.

https://github.com › long2ice › asyncmy

asyncmy - A fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver - GitHub

asyncmy is a fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver, which reuse most of pymysql and aiomysql but rewrite core protocol with cython to speedup. Features. API compatible with aiomysql. Faster by cython. MySQL replication protocol support with asyncio. Tested both MySQL and MariaDB in CI. Benchmark. The result comes from benchmark.