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https://reflectoring.io › spring-boot-test

Testing with Spring Boot and @SpringBootTest - Reflectoring

With the @SpringBootTest annotation, Spring Boot provides a convenient way to start up an application context to be used in a test. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss when to use @SpringBootTest and when to better use other tools for testing. We’ll also look into different ways to customize the application context and how to reduce ...

https://reflectoring.io › categories › spring-boot

Spring Boot - Reflectoring

Integrating Amazon S3 with Spring Boot Using Spring Cloud AWS. In modern web applications, storing and retrieving files has become a common requirement. Whether it is user uploaded content like images and documents or application generated logs and reports, having a reliable and scalable storage solution is crucial.

Spring Boot - Reflectoring

https://reflectoring.io › bean-validation-with-spring-boot

Validation with Spring Boot - the Complete Guide - Reflectoring

Bean Validation is the de-facto standard for implementing validation logic in the Java ecosystem. It’s well integrated with Spring and Spring Boot. However, there are some pitfalls. This tutorial goes over all major validation use cases and sports code examples for each.

Validation with Spring Boot - the Complete Guide - Reflectoring

https://www.baeldung.com › spring-reflection-test-utils

Guide to ReflectionTestUtils for Unit Testing - Baeldung

ReflectionTestUtils is a part of the Spring Test Context framework. It’s a collection for reflection-based utility methods used in a unit, and integration testing scenarios to set the non-public fields, invoke non-public methods, and inject dependencies.


Reflectoring = How + Why

Reflectoring = How + Why. Tutorials on Spring Boot and Java, thoughts about the Software Craft, and relevant book reviews. Because it's just as important to understand the Why as it is to understand the How. Have fun!

https://bjoernkw.com › 2020 › 11 › 01 › api-first-development-with-spring-boot-and-swagger-at...

API-First Development with Spring Boot and Swagger at Reflectoring

From creating an API specification with the Swagger editor to generating code (with the OpenAPI Generator Maven plugin, specifically) and implementing the generated interfaces the article covers everything you need to know for getting started with code generation based on OpenAPI.

https://www.baeldung.com › java-reflection

Guide to Java Reflection - Baeldung

Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, Spring Boot is obviously a great choice for building a web application. Jmix builds on this highly powerful and mature Boot stack, allowing devs to build and deliver full-stack web applications without having to code the frontend.

https://bjoernkw.com › 2024 › 02 › 04 › reactive-architecture-with-spring-boot

Reflectoring: Reactive Architecture with Spring Boot

Reflectoring has this much more in-depth article on reactive architecture with Spring Boot, which covers everything from building a traditional synchronous-style application, converting such an application to a reactive architecture, and using and deploying a message-driven system.

https://reflectoring.io › getting-started-with-spring-boot

Getting Started with Spring Boot - Reflectoring

In this article, we will build a production-grade application with Spring Boot. After understanding the use case and requirements, we will implement the application layer by layer. Let us dive into the requirements for the application.

Getting Started with Spring Boot - Reflectoring

https://saigontechsolutions.com › validated-spring-boot

Validation with Spring Boot – the Complete Guide – Reflectoring

Bean Validation is the de facto standard for implementing validation logic in the Java ecosystem. It is well integrated with Spring and Spring Boot. However, there are some pitfalls. This tutorial goes over all the major validation use cases and sports code examples for each.