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REST Countries

Get information about countries via a RESTful API.

https://restfulcountries.com › api-documentation

Restful Countries - Documentation

Restful Countries API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, returns JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes, and verbs.

https://publicapis.io › rest-countries-api

REST Countries API — Public APIs

The REST Countries API provides data in JSON format for over 250 countries, with information on everything from country codes to national currencies. Here are some examples of how you can use the API to access and parse data in JavaScript.

https://github.com › apilayer › restcountries

GitHub - apilayer/restcountries: Get information about countries via a ...

REST Countries. Get information about countries via a RESTful API https://restcountries.eu. Donate! The restcountries project has been acquired by apilayer, one of the leading providers of API microservices. We will keep supporting restcountries and providing it as a free solution for developers.

GitHub - apilayer/restcountries: Get information about countries via a ...


Restful Countries - Get countries data via restful api

Restful Countries API. We provide you with detailed and useful information on countries including their states, presidents, flag, population, covid19 stats and others. Explore Endpoints.

Restful Countries - Get countries data via restful api

https://www.educative.io › courses › get-started-with-the-rest-countries-api-in-javascript › ...

An Overview of the REST Countries API - Educative

The REST Countries API is a basic REST API that delivers information about the countries in JSON format. Each country’s data offers essential information, such as the capital city, population, languages, currencies, regions, and country code.

An Overview of the REST Countries API - Educative


REST Countries API

REST Countries API. Where in the world? Filter by region Africa America Asia Europe Oceania. Loading...

https://www.dhiwise.com › post › a-comprehensive-guide-to-leveraging-the-rest-countries-api

A Comprehensive Guide to the REST Countries API - DhiWise

The term "REST Countries" refers to the core function of the REST Countries API – providing RESTful access to data about the world's countries. This includes detailed information such as country names, capitals, population sizes, currencies, flags, languages, etc.

A Comprehensive Guide to the REST Countries API - DhiWise


Rest Countries Api

Where in the world? ... Afghanistan. Population: 40,218,234 Region: Asia Capital: Kabul


CountryAPI - Reliable REST Country Data API

Free Reliable REST Country API. Get unlimited access and stop wasting time with maintaining third party libraries. Country API provides you with an extensive and reliable Country Data REST API.