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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slovenes

Slovenes - Wikipedia

Most Slovenes today live within the borders of the independent Slovenia (2,100,000 inhabitants, 83% Slovenes est. July 2020). In the Slovenian national census of 2002, 1,631,363 people ethnically declared themselves as Slovenes, [48] while 1,723,434 people claimed Slovene as their native language. [49]

https://www.britannica.com › place › Slovenia

Slovenia | History, Geography, & People | Britannica

Slovenia is a small but topographically diverse country made up of portions of four major European geographic landscapes—the European Alps, the karstic Dinaric Alps, the Pannonian and Danubian lowlands and hills, and the Mediterranean coast.

Slovenia | History, Geography, & People | Britannica

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slovenia

Slovenia - Wikipedia

A significant number of people in Slovenia speak a variant of Serbo-Croatian (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, or Montenegrin) as their native language. These are mostly families who moved to Slovenia from other former Yugoslav republics. Altogether, Serbo-Croatian in its different forms is the second natively spoken language in Slovenia ...

Slovenia - Wikipedia

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slovénie

Slovénie — Wikipédia

La Slovénie, en forme longue la république de Slovénie ou Republika Slovenija en slovène, est un pays d’Europe centrale au carrefour des principales cultures européennes. Sa capitale est Ljubljana.Le pays partage ses frontières avec l'Italie à l'ouest, l’Autriche au nord, la Hongrie à l'est-nord-est et la Croatie au sud-est. La Slovénie dispose au sud-ouest d'un littoral d'une ...

Slovénie — Wikipédia

http://slovenia.si › this-is-slovenia › what-are-slovenians-like

What are Slovenians like? | Slovenia.si

Learn about the Slovenian people, their unique identity, language, sports, nature and values. Discover how Slovenians are shaped by their geography, history and culture, and how they love to travel and help others.

What are Slovenians like? | Slovenia.si

https://www.slovenia.info › en › stories › learn-about-the-people-of-slovenia

Step into the shoes of the people of Slovenia

Discover the habits, customs, traditions and stereotypes of Slovenians, a nation of hikers, sports fans and gardeners. Find out interesting facts, statistics and recipes from Slovenia's diverse regions and cultures.

Step into the shoes of the people of Slovenia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Demographics_of_Slovenia

Demographics of Slovenia - Wikipedia

Demographics of Slovenia. Population density in Slovenia by municipality. Demographic features of the population of Slovenia include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

Demographics of Slovenia - Wikipedia

https://www.culture.si › en › About_Slovenia

About Slovenia - Culture of Slovenia

Learn about the long history of Slovenia, from prehistoric times to the third millennium, and its diverse geography, from the Alps to the Adriatic. Discover the regions, natural heritage, and cultural identity of this Central European country.

https://www.cia.gov › the-world-factbook › countries › slovenia

Slovenia - The World Factbook

Introduction. Background. The Slovene lands were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the latter's dissolution at the end of World War I. In 1918, Slovenia became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which was renamed Yugoslavia in 1929.

Slovenia - The World Factbook

https://www.cia.gov › the-world-factbook › countries › slovenia › factsheets

Slovenia Factsheet - The World Factbook

After World War II, Slovenia joined the new Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In 1991, Slovenia declared independence after a 10-day war with Serbia. Slovenia joined NATO and the EU in 2004 and the euro zone and the Schengen Area in 2007.

Peuple slave d'Europe du Sud

Les Slovènes sont : selon la constitution de la Slovénie, le droit du sol et le droit international, les citoyens de la Slovénie et eux seuls, quelles que soient leurs langues, origines et traditions culturelles ; selon la définition ethnique, le droit du sang et l'appartenance linguistique et culturelle, le groupe ethnique européen qui s'auto-désigne en slovène comme Slovenci, singulier Slovenec, féminin Slovenka). Ce sont des Slaves méridionaux dont la plupart vit en Slovénie avec des minorités dans les pays voisins ; cette définition n'inclut pas les minorités non-slovènes de Slovénie, comme par exemple les Magyars de Prémurie ou les italophones d'Istrie,.