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https://mvnrepository.com › artifact › org.springframework › spring-jdbc

Maven Repository: org.springframework » spring-jdbc

Spring JDBC provides an abstraction layer that simplifies code to use JDBC and the parsing of database-vendor specific error codes.

https://www.baeldung.com › spring-jdbc-jdbctemplate

Spring JDBC Tutorial - Baeldung

Introduction to the Spring JDBC abstraction, with example on how to use the JbdcTempalte and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate APIs.

https://docs.spring.io › ... › javadoc-api › org › springframework › jdbc › core › JdbcTemplate.html

JdbcTemplate (Spring Framework 6.1.13 API)

This class executes SQL queries or updates, initiating iteration over ResultSets and catching JDBC exceptions and translating them to the common org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. Code using this class need only implement callback interfaces, giving them a clearly defined contract.

https://spring.io › guides › gs › relational-data-access

Accessing Relational Data using JDBC with Spring

Accessing Relational Data using JDBC with Spring. This guide walks you through the process of accessing relational data with Spring. What You Will Build. You will build an application that uses Spring’s JdbcTemplate to access data stored in a relational database. What You Need. About 15 minutes. A favorite text editor or IDE. Java 17 or later.

https://spring.io › projects › spring-data-jdbc

Spring Data JDBC

Spring Data JDBC, part of the larger Spring Data family, makes it easy to implement JDBC based repositories. This module deals with enhanced support for JDBC based data access layers. It makes it easier to build Spring powered applications that use data access technologies.

https://docs.spring.io › spring-data › jdbc › docs › 3.1.9 › reference › html

Spring Data JDBC - Reference Documentation

The Spring Data JDBC project applies core Spring concepts to the development of solutions that use JDBC databases aligned with Domain-driven design principles. We provide a “template” as a high-level abstraction for storing and querying aggregates.

https://docs.spring.io › spring-data › relational › reference › jdbc › getting-started.html

Getting Started :: Spring Data Relational

<dependencies> <!-- other dependency elements omitted --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.data</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-jdbc</artifactId> <version>3.3.4</version> </dependency> </dependencies> Change the version of Spring in the pom.xml to be. <spring.version>6.1.13</spring.version>

https://docs.spring.io › ... › docs › 4.0.x › spring-framework-reference › html › jdbc.html

13. Data access with JDBC

The Spring Framework’s JDBC abstraction framework consists of four different packages, namely core, datasource, object, and support. The org.springframework.jdbc.core package contains the JdbcTemplate class and its various callback interfaces, plus a variety of related classes.

https://www.digitalocean.com › community › tutorials › spring-jdbctemplate-example

Spring JdbcTemplate Example - DigitalOcean

Spring JdbcTemplate is the most important class in Spring JDBC package. JDBC produces a lot of boiler plate code, such as opening/closing a connection to a database, handling sql exceptions etc. It makes the code extremely cumbersome and difficult to read.

Spring JdbcTemplate Example - DigitalOcean

https://mvnrepository.com › artifact › org.springframework › spring-jdbc › 6.0.5

Maven Repository: org.springframework » spring-jdbc » 6.0.5

Spring JDBC provides an abstraction layer that simplifies code to use JDBC and the parsing of database-vendor specific error codes.