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https://dba.stackexchange.com › questions › 316026

Difference between PRIMARY KEY and SERIAL (with index)

You need a primary key or unique constraint as the target of a foreign key constraint. Indexes are not part of the SQL standard, but constraints are.

https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com › en › uuid-serial-or-identity-columns-for-postgresql...

Auto-generated primary keys: UUID, serial or identity column? - CYBERTEC

Numbers generated by a sequence and UUID s are both useful as auto-generated primary keys. Use identity columns unless you need to generate primary keys outside a single database, and make sure all your primary key columns are of type bigint.

Auto-generated primary keys: UUID, serial or identity column? - CYBERTEC

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-serial

Using PostgreSQL SERIAL to Create Auto-increment Columns

Using PostgreSQL SERIAL to Create Auto-increment Column. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the PostgreSQL SERIAL pseudo-type and how to use the SERIAL pseudo-type to define auto-increment columns in tables.

Using PostgreSQL SERIAL to Create Auto-increment Columns

https://www.danieleteti.it › post › postgresql-identities-vs-serials

How and When use Identities over Serial Types in PostgreSQL?

When it comes to generating auto-incrementing primary keys in PostgreSQL, the choice between “identities” and “serial” types holds significant implications for your database design and performance. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between these options and outline best practices to help you make informed ...

https://sql.sh › cours › create-table › primary-key


SQL PRIMARY KEY. Dans le langage SQL la “PRIMARY KEY”, autrement la clé primaire, permet d’identifier chaque enregistrement dans une table de base de données. Chaque enregistrement de cette clé primaire doit être UNIQUE et ne doit pas contenir de valeur NULL.

https://www.w3schools.com › sql › sql_primarykey.ASP

SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint - W3Schools

The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only ONE primary key; and in the table, this primary key can consist of single or multiple columns (fields).

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › primary-key-sql-tutorial-how-to-define-a-primary-key...

Primary Key SQL Tutorial – How to Define a Primary Key in a Database

This is a Composite Key. Now let's try defining Primary Keys with real code examples. There's two things to do here: first, you'll identify the Primary Key. Then, you'll learn the syntax for defining it in a database.

Primary Key SQL Tutorial – How to Define a Primary Key in a Database

https://vladmihalcea.com › postgresql-serial-column-hibernate-identity

PostgreSQL SERIAL or IDENTITY column and Hibernate IDENTITY generator

When using PostgreSQL, it’s tempting to use a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL column type to auto-increment Primary Keys. PostgreSQL 10 also added support for IDENTITY, which behaves in the same way as the legacy SERIAL or BIGSERIAL type.

https://www.bytebase.com › blog › choose-primary-key-uuid-or-auto-increment

UUID or Auto Increment Integer / Serial as the Database Primary Key?

One of the first things when designing a new SQL database schema is to decide which type of primary key to use. And 99% of the time, developers need to choose between either UUID or Auto Increment Integer/Serial.