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https://www.sqlitetutorial.net › sqlite-drop-table

SQLite DROP TABLE Statement with Examples

Learn how to use SQLite DROP TABLE statement to delete a table and its dependent objects from a database. See examples, syntax, and tips for handling foreign key constraints and errors.

https://www.sqlite.org › lang_droptable.html


The DROP TABLE statement removes a table added with the CREATE TABLE statement. The name specified is the table name. The dropped table is completely removed from the database schema and the disk file. The table can not be recovered. All indices and triggers associated with the table are also deleted.

https://thelinuxcode.com › sqlite-drop-table

The Ultimate Guide to Dropping Tables with SQLite‘s DROP TABLE

Learn how to use SQLite's DROP TABLE command to delete tables and their data from your database schema. See examples, tips, and precautions for dropping tables effectively and efficiently.

https://www.guru99.com › fr › sqlite-create-alter-drop-table.html

SQLite Créer, modifier, supprimer une table avec des exemples - Guru99

Dans cet article, nous verrons comment créer des tables, modifier des tables et supprimer des tables dans SQLite. Mais la première chose est d’ouvrir la base de données sur laquelle nous allons travailler comme nous vous l’avons montré précédemment.

http://sqlitetutorials.com › sqlite-drop-table.html

SQLite - DROP TABLE Statement - SqLite Tutorials

Learn how to use the DROP TABLE statement in SQLite to delete a table and all its data, triggers, indexes, constraints and permissions. See the syntax, examples and warnings of this command.

https://docs.sqlitecloud.io › docs › sqlite › lang_droptable

DROP TABLE | SQLite Cloud Docs

Learn how to use the DROP TABLE statement to remove a table from a SQLite database schema and disk file. See the syntax, options, and examples of this SQL command.

https://www.techonthenet.com › sqlite › tables › drop_table.php

SQLite: DROP TABLE Statement - TechOnTheNet

This SQLite tutorial explains how to use the SQLite DROP TABLE statement with syntax and examples. The SQLite DROP TABLE statement allows you to remove or delete a table from the SQLite database.

https://www.sqlitetutor.com › drop-table

SQLite Drop Table

Learn how to drop a table in SQLite database using the DROP TABLE statement with or without the IF EXISTS clause. See an example of deleting a table with foreign key constraints and associated objects.

https://database.guide › sqlite-drop-table

SQLite DROP TABLE - Database.Guide

Learn how to use the DROP TABLE statement to delete a table in SQLite, with or without the IF EXISTS clause. Also, learn how SQLite handles foreign key and view dependencies when dropping a table.

https://microlead.fr › cours › sqlite › drop-table

Microlead - DROP Table

L'instruction SQLite DROP TABLE est utilisée pour supprimer la définition d'une table et toutes les données, index, déclencheurs, contraintes et spécifications de permission associés à cette table.