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https://www.programiz.com › c-programming › library-function › math.h › sqrt

C sqrt() - C Standard Library - Programiz

The sqrt() function takes a single argument (in double) and returns its square root (also in double). The sqrt() function is defined in math.h header file. To find the square root of int, float or long double data types, you can explicitly convert the type to double using cast operator.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › sqrt-function-in-c

sqrt () Function in C - GeeksforGeeks

sqrt () function in C is a predefined function in the math.h library used to calculate the square root of a given number. To use this function, we must include the <math.h> header file in our program.

https://www.tutorialspoint.com › c_standard_library › c_function_sqrt

C library - sqrt() function - Online Tutorials Library

The C library sqrt () function of type double accept the variable x (double) as parameter to return the result of square root. The square of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › numeric › math › sqrt

sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl - cppreference.com

sqrt is required by the IEEE standard to be correctly rounded from the infinitely precise result. In particular, the exact result is produced if it can be represented in the floating-point type.

https://koor.fr › C › cmath › sqrt.wp

Fonctions sqrt, sqrtf et sqrtl - Langage C - KooR.fr

Ces trois fonctions permettent de calculer la racine carré d'une valeur passée en paramètre. La racine carrée d'un nombre réel positif x est le nombre positif qui, lorsqu'il est multiplié par lui-même (le carré de ce nombre), donne x.

https://www.techonthenet.com › c_language › standard_library_functions › math_h › sqrt.php

C Language: sqrt function (Square Root) - TechOnTheNet

The syntax for the sqrt function in the C Language is: double sqrt(double x); Parameters or Arguments. x. A value used when calculating the square root of x. Returns. The sqrt function returns the square root of x. If x is negative, the sqrt function will return a domain error. Required Header.

https://www.w3schools.com › c › ref_math_sqrt.php

C Math sqrt() Function - W3Schools

Definition and Usage. The sqrt() function returns the square root of a number. The sqrt() function is defined in the <math.h> header file. Syntax. One of the following: sqrt(double number); Parameter Values. Technical Details. Returns: A double value representing the square root of a number. Math Functions. Related Pages. C Functions Tutorial.

https://codetofun.com › c › math-functions › sqrt

C sqrt() Function - CodeToFun

In C programming, mathematical operations are essential, and the sqrt() function is a powerful tool for calculating the square root of a number. This function is part of the math.h library and provides a straightforward way to find the square root in C.

C sqrt() Function - CodeToFun

https://www.programmingsimplified.com › c › math.h › sqrt

sqrt in C - Programming Simplified

Function sqrt in C returns the square root of a number. To use it, include the "math.h" header file in the program. Declaration: double sqrt(double); Square root in C using sqrt function

sqrt in C - Programming Simplified

https://en.wikibooks.org › wiki › C_Programming › math.h › sqrt

C Programming/math.h/sqrt - Wikibooks

sqrt () is a C library function. It is mainly associated with programming language. It is considerd under [math.h] header file. function: #include<math.h> double sqrt (double x ); float sqrt (float x ); long double sqrt (long double x ); Description: sqrt computes square root. And returns The square root of x.