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https://help.tableau.com › current › pro › desktop › en-us › changing-views-using-parameters.htm

Use Parameters to Make Views More Interactive - Tableau

Use Parameters to Make Views More Interactive. Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server. Parameters are useful when you want to add interactivity and flexibility to a report, or to experiment with what-if scenarios.

https://www.tableau.com › blog › parameter-actions-extend-interactivity

Parameter actions (now in beta) extend Tableau interactivity: Here’s ...

Parameter actions, available in Tableau 2019.2 (now in beta), empower all Tableau users to visually change a parameter’s value. This opens up even more powerful possibilities to build meaningful visualizations and add interactivity to your work.

Parameter actions (now in beta) extend Tableau interactivity: Here’s ...

https://help.tableau.com › current › pro › desktop › en-us › actions_parameters.htm

Parameter Actions - Tableau

Parameter Actions. Use parameter actions to let your audience change a parameter value through direct interaction with a viz, such as clicking or selecting a mark. You can use parameter actions with reference lines, calculations, filters, and SQL queries, and to customize how you display data in your visualizations.

Parameter Actions - Tableau

https://help.tableau.com › current › pro › desktop › fr-fr › changing-views-using-parameters.htm

Utiliser des paramètres pour améliorer l’interactivité des vues - Tableau

Les paramètres sont utiles lorsque vous souhaitez ajouter de l’interactivité et de la flexibilité à un rapport, ou pour expérimenter des scénarios de simulation. Supposons que vous hésitiez sur les champs à inclure dans votre vue ou la disposition la plus adaptée pour vos observateurs.

Utiliser des paramètres pour améliorer l’interactivité des vues - Tableau

https://www.datacamp.com › tutorial › tableau-parameters-an-introductory-guide-and-how-to...

Tableau Parameters: An Introductory Guide and How to Use Them

Parameters in Tableau are dynamic values that can be used to change the behavior of a visualization. They allow users to interact with their data by choosing from a list of predefined values or by entering specific values themselves.

Tableau Parameters: An Introductory Guide and How to Use Them

https://www.phdata.io › blog › how-to-link-parameters-with-parameter-actions-in-tableau

How to Link Parameters with Parameter Actions in Tableau

In this post, we discuss the need for linked parameters–parameters that interact with each other and respond to each other’s values. This type of parameter would be ideal for scenario planning–something where Tableau has the potential to be better than other business intelligence tools at with just a few more fixes.

How to Link Parameters with Parameter Actions in Tableau

https://www.useready.com › blog › using-parameter-actions-to-filter-in-tableau-with...

Using Parameter Actions to Filter in Tableau (with Multiple ... - USEReady

Explore how to effectively use parameter actions to filter data in Tableau dashboards that contain multiple measures. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up parameter actions, creating interactive filters, and optimizing data visualization. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Tableau user ...

Using Parameter Actions to Filter in Tableau (with Multiple ... - USEReady

https://blog.enterprisedna.co › how-to-use-parameters-in-tableau-a-detailed-guide

How to Use Parameters in Tableau: A Detailed Guide

Parameters allow users to replace a constant value in a calculation, filter, or reference line, making it possible to create interactive and dynamic visualizations that can adapt to various scenarios.

How to Use Parameters in Tableau: A Detailed Guide

https://www.tableau.com › fr-fr › blog › introducing-vector-maps-parameter-actions-and-new...

Analytique interactive : actions de paramètre et cartes ... - Tableau

Découvrez les actions de paramètre, les cartes vectorielles, ainsi qu'une nouvelle manière de parcourir le contenu sur Tableau Server et Tableau Online. Pensez à effectuer la mise à niveau vers la dernière version de Tableau pour profiter de ces nouvelles fonctionnalités ! Analytique interactive : actions de paramètre et cartes vectorielles.

https://www.tableau.com › blog › now-beta-viz-animations-dynamic-parameters-and-buffer...

Now in beta: Viz animations, dynamic parameters, and buffer ... - Tableau

The Tableau 2020.1 beta has arrived, with exciting ways to add powerful interactivity to your data. Here’s a quick overview of the highlights: Dynamic parameters — We’ve never been happier to announce a feature. With dynamic parameters, say goodbye to making constant updates to your dashboard parameters as your data changes.

Now in beta: Viz animations, dynamic parameters, and buffer ... - Tableau