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https://stackoverflow.com › ... › 78246077 › how-to-solve-cors-problem-whith-local-html-three-js

how to solve CORS problem whith local html three.js?

I´ve been trying to make an sphere with three.js with an image texture but without a server, whether this a local image or an https image online it gives this error: Access to image at 'file:///C:...

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 68688854

Three.js CORS errors when loading image with THREE.TextureLoader()

When a CORS issue pops up in context of TextureLoader, you have to fix the issue on the server-side by ensuring CORS headers are properly defined. The configuration of such headers depends on your used web server.

https://discourse.threejs.org › t › textureloader-headers-configuration-cors › 31942

TextureLoader headers configuration - CORS - three.js forum

Unfortunately the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header cannot be set by JavaScript on the web page — it’s the YouTube server that would need to allow requests from all origins, and it doesn’t appear to do so. A few more details on CORS that may be helpful: WebGL - Cross Origin Images. You can request permission to load a cross-origin image with:

https://discourse.threejs.org › t › http-request-blocked-by-cors-policy › 7954

HTTP request blocked by CORS policy - three.js forum

“Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘http://localhost:8000/navigate/to/GLTF.gltf’ from origin ‘file://’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.”

https://discourse.threejs.org › t › cross-origin-request-blocked › 4971

Cross-Origin Request Blocked - Questions - three.js forum

I have using three js web Application.I want to load object and images from thirty party server, but showing the error message “Cross-Origin Request Blocked Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing”. I have used this script. Please help me. var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager(); var textureLoader = new ...

https://github.com › mrdoob › three.js › issues › 11020

CORS exceptions in several three.js examples/loader libraries

I don't have an easy way to try to trigger a CORS exception. Unless someone has a better suggestion, I would recommend closing this, at least for now. If I or someone else can reproduce the problem it can be revisited then.

https://discourse.threejs.org › t › cors-issue-with-aws-s3-and-textureloader › 22846

CORS issue with AWS s3 and TextureLoader - three.js forum

Sorry, this is unrelated to three.js. When inspecting the above URL in the dev tools, you can easily see that CORS headers are missing. Check out the response headers of this URL: https://threejs.org/examples/textures/uv_grid_opengl.jpg. You need access-control-allow-origin: *.

https://github.com › mrdoob › three.js › issues › 9542

THREE.TextureLoader/THREE.ImageLoader don't support CORS? #9542 - GitHub

Almost all CORS issue in context of three.js are related to missing CORS headers in the HTTP response. This is a server configuration and unrelated to three.js. I suggest you search stackoverflow for existing topics.

https://github.com › mrdoob › three.js › issues › 779

CORS support in THREE.Loader.load_image ? #779 - GitHub

Hi. "load_image" of Loader does not support CORS. I think this is a bug. Fix: image.crossOrigin = ''; Cheers. Remo.

https://medium.com › @stephen.biston › resolve-cors-errors-once-and-for-all-three-methods...

Resolve CORS Errors Once and For All: Three Methods

CORS errors are thrown when a web request is made in the browser to an endpoint on a domain that is different from the domain of the webpage making the request.