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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 69165892

How to throw an exception with a status code? - Stack Overflow

How can throw an error with options or a status code and then catch them? From the syntax here , it seems we can through the error with additional info: new Error(message, options)

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 23319137

Throw new exception with a code and a message - Stack Overflow

var ex = new Exception(string.Format("{0} - {1}", statusMessage, statusCode)); ex.Data.Add(statusCode, statusMessage); // store "3" and "Invalid Parameters" throw ex; Then read it back out in your catch block.

https://www.baeldung.com › spring-response-status-exception

Spring ResponseStatusException - Baeldung

ResponseStatusException is a programmatic alternative to @ResponseStatus and is the base class for exceptions used for applying a status code to an HTTP response. It’s a RuntimeException and hence not required to be explicitly added in a method signature.

https://salesforce.stackexchange.com › questions › 325617 › how-can-i-return-an-error...

How can I return an error message and status code for a method with ...

You can simply create a custom exception class, Either create a separate exception class that extends Exception class. global static void genricException(){. throw new MyCustomException('Something went wrong!'); or create an inner class like, List<SObject> sObjList = [......]; try{. return sObjList; catch(Exception ex){.

https://fastapi.tiangolo.com › tutorial › handling-errors

Handling Errors - FastAPI - tiangolo

In this example, when the client requests an item by an ID that doesn't exist, raise an exception with a status code of 404: from fastapi import FastAPI , HTTPException app = FastAPI () items = { "foo" : "The Foo Wrestlers" } @app . get ( "/items/ {item_id} " ) async def read_item ( item_id : str ): if item_id not in items : raise HTTPException ...

Handling Errors - FastAPI - tiangolo

https://docs.nestjs.com › exception-filters

Exception filters | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework

Throwing standard exceptions. Nest provides a built-in HttpException class, exposed from the @nestjs/common package. For typical HTTP REST/GraphQL API based applications, it's best practice to send standard HTTP response objects when certain error conditions occur.

https://cloud.google.com › endpoints › docs › frameworks › java › exceptions

Exceptions and HTTP status codes - Google Cloud

You can send common HTTP status codes by throwing an exception provided by the endpoints library as follows: throw new NotFoundException ( user . getEmail ()); Exceptions provided by Endpoints...

https://dev.java › learn › exceptions › throwing

Throwing Exceptions - Dev.java

How to Throw Exceptions. Before you can catch an exception, some code somewhere must throw one. Any code can throw an exception: your code, code from a package written by someone else such as the packages that come with the Java platform, or the Java runtime environment.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › throw

throw - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The throw statement throws a user-defined exception. Execution of the current function will stop (the statements after throw won't be executed), and control will be passed to the first catch block in the call stack. If no catch block exists among caller functions, the program will terminate.

https://abp.io › docs › en › abp › latest › Exception-Handling

Exception Handling | ABP Documentation

Automatically maps standard exceptions to HTTP status codes and provides a configurable option to map custom exceptions. Automatic Exception Handling. AbpExceptionFilter handles an exception if any of the following conditions are met: Exception is thrown by a controller action which returns an object result (not a view result).