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https://microsoft.github.io › ClearScript › 2022 › 02 › 04 › top-level-await.html

Top-Level Await in ClearScript 7.2.2 | ClearScript

Top-Level Await is a feature that enables code at the outermost scope of an ECMAScript 6 module to be executed as an async function. ClearScript 7.1.3 added an API for controlling Top-Level Await.

https://github.com › microsoft › ClearScript › discussions › 602

Top-level async function returns immediately #602 - GitHub

How do I make Execute wait until the top-level method has completed? When you call an async function, the return value is a promise. If you opt into ClearScript's task-promise interop, you can simply await the async operation:

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 46515764

How can I use async/await at the top level? - Stack Overflow

Use top-level await (proposal, MDN; ES2022, broadly supported in modern environments) that allows top-level use of await in a module. Use a top-level async function that never rejects (unless you want "unhandled rejection" errors).

https://microsoft.github.io › ClearScript › 2023 › 01 › 24 › module-interop.html

Module Interoperability in ClearScript 7.3.7 | ClearScript

Even if a module doesn’t use await, its top-level code can be effectively asynchronous if it imports any asynchronous modules. The top-level code of a CommonJS module is executed as a normal (synchronous) function, so it cannot interoperate with asynchronous code.

https://microsoft.github.io › ClearScript

ClearScript | Add scripting to your .NET applications quickly and easily.

Top-Level Await in ClearScript 7.2.2. ClearScript 7.2.2 is paired with V8 9.8, which no longer supports Top-Level Await control. Read more…. Add scripting to your .NET applications quickly and easily.

ClearScript | Add scripting to your .NET applications quickly and easily.

https://github.com › ... › ClearScript › blob › master › docs › _posts › 2022-2-4-top-level-await.md


For that reason, and to maintain compatibility with hosts that rely on <em>immediate</em> module evaluation results, ClearScript left Top-Level Await disabled by default.</p>\n<h1 tabindex=\"-1\" dir=\"auto\"><a id=\"user-content-v8-98-and-clearscript-722\" class=\"anchor\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"#v8-98-and ...

https://github.com › microsoft › ClearScript › issues › 182

Implementation of ExecuteAsync · Issue #182 · microsoft/ClearScript

Unless you're in an async function and use the await operator, V8 will not pause execution and unwind the thread. If you wish to invoke an asynchronous CLR method from synchronous script code without waiting, you'll have to use ContinueWith.

Implementation of ExecuteAsync · Issue #182 · microsoft/ClearScript

https://medium.com › @amandubey_6607 › using-top-level-await-in-typescript-simplifying...

Using Top Level Await In Typescript: Simplifying Asynchronous ... - Medium

Instead of chaining multiple ‘await’ calls or nesting them within ‘async’ functions, you can now simply use top level await to await the promises and continue with the execution of your...

https://v8.dev › features › top-level-await

Top-level await - V8

Top-level await enables developers to use the await keyword outside of async functions. It acts like a big async function causing other modules who import them to wait before they start evaluating their body.

https://microsoft.github.io › ClearScript › Reference › html › P_Microsoft_ClearScript_V8_V8...

V8Settings.EnableTopLevelAwait Property

Top-Level Await enables code at the outermost scope of an ECMAScript 6 module to be executed as an async function . When this feature is enabled, modules can await resources, causing importers to delay evaluation as necessary. To enable Top-Level Await, set this property to true before instantiating V8ScriptEngine or V8Runtime for the first time.