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https://www.w3schools.com › java › java_data_types.asp

Java Data Types - W3Schools

Learn about the eight primitive data types in Java, such as byte, int, float, double, boolean and char. See examples, sizes, descriptions and exercises for each data type.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › data-types-in-java

Java Data Types - GeeksforGeeks

Java has two categories in which data types are segregated. Primitive Data Type: such as boolean, char, int, short, byte, long, float, and double. Non-Primitive Data Type or Object Data type: such as String, Array, etc. Understanding and effectively using these data types is crucial for writing efficient and error-free Java code.

Java Data Types - GeeksforGeeks

https://docs.oracle.com › javase › tutorial › java › nutsandbolts › datatypes.html

Primitive Data Types (The Java™ Tutorials - Oracle

Learn about the eight primitive data types supported by the Java programming language: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, and char. See their ranges, default values, and how to use literals to initialize them.

https://www.programiz.com › java-programming › variables-primitive-data-types

Java Data Types (Primitive) - Programiz

Learn about the 8 primitive data types in Java, such as boolean, byte, short, int, long, double, float and char. See examples, default values, and how to use them in Java programs.

https://www.javatpoint.com › java-data-types

Java Data Types - Javatpoint

Data Types in Java. Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. There are two types of data types in Java: Primitive data types: The primitive data types include boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double.

Java Data Types - Javatpoint

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › java-data-types-and-variables

Java Data Types And Variables – Explained for Beginners

Java provides a wide range of data types to accommodate various kinds of data and operations. In this article, I will walk you through Java's data types and explain how they work. There are two types of data types in Java – primitive data types and reference data types.

Java Data Types And Variables – Explained for Beginners

https://dev.to › javafullstackdev › a-comprehensive-guide-to-data-types-in-java-with...

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Types in Java with Examples

Java, being a statically typed language, requires that every variable is declared with a specific data type. This ensures type safety and enhances code readability and maintainability. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different data types available in Java, their characteristics, and provide examples to illustrate their usage.

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Types in Java with Examples

https://howtodoinjava.com › java › basics › data-types-in-java

Java Data Types - Primitive and Wrapper Types with Examples - HowToDoInJava

Learn about Java data types. Difference between primitive datatype and non-primitive datatype (or reference datatype). Know data types sizes and best practices to use datatypes in Java.

Java Data Types - Primitive and Wrapper Types with Examples - HowToDoInJava

https://www.sololearn.com › blog › java-data-types

Java Data Types: The Complete Guide - Sololearn

There are two categories of data types in Java, called primitive and non – primitive. Primitive. The primitive category provides very basic data types for the variables. There are eight types available in Java. int. It is used to store whole numbers ranging from -128 to 127.

Java Data Types: The Complete Guide - Sololearn

https://www.codecademy.com › resources › docs › java › data-types

Java | Data Types - Codecademy

In Java, each variable has a property known as its data type which determines what kind of data can be stored in that variable. Data types are divided into two categories, primitive data types and reference data types. Java is a statically-typed language. Primitive Data Types.