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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 15905119

C linking error: undefined reference to 'main' - Stack Overflow

You're not including the C file that contains main() when compiling, so the linker isn't seeing it. You need to add it: $ gcc -o runexp runexp.c scd.o data_proc.o -lm -fopenmp

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 7965437

c - Undefined reference to main - collect2: ld returned 1 exit status ...

It means that es3.c does not define a main function, and you are attempting to create an executable out of it. An executable needs to have an entry point, thereby the linker complains. To compile only to an object file, use the -c option: gcc es3.c -c gcc es3.o main.c -o es3

https://openclassrooms.com › forum › sujet › les-sources-de-l-erreur-undefined-reference-to

Les sources de l'erreur "undefined reference to" - OpenClassrooms

L'erreur, c'est que l'éditeur de liens n'arrive pas à trouver le symbole référencé dans les fichiers objets qui lui sont passés. Deux cause principales: 1. Projet mal configuré, des fichiers nécessaires ne sont pas compilés. 2. Mélange de C et C++ sans utiliser les conventions nécessaires (extern "C").

https://www.includehelp.com › c-programs › undefined-reference-to-main-error-in-c.aspx

Error: undefined reference to 'main' in C - Includehelp.com

The error: undefined reference to 'main' in C program is a very stupid mistake by the programmer, it occurs when the main () function does not exist in the program. If you used main () function and still the error is there, you must check the spelling of the main () function.

https://thelinuxcode.com › undefined-reference-function-c

Resolving the Frustrating "Undefined Reference" Error in C

An undefined reference error occurs when you call a function that is declared but not defined anywhere accessible to the compiler. Since the function body is missing, the compiler raises this error when linking the object files together into an executable.

https://www.positioniseverything.net › undefined-reference-to-main

Undefined Reference to Main: How To Fix It in C and C++

Undefined reference to main is an error message that indicates that the linker is unable to find a definition for the “main” function during the process of compiling your C or C++ program. This article will explain five factors that can prevent the linker from finding the “main” function in your code and how you can correct the error.

Undefined Reference to Main: How To Fix It in C and C++

https://openclassrooms.com › forum › sujet › undefined-reference-to-ma-fonction-en-c-36182

undefined reference to (ma fonction) en C. - OpenClassrooms

Si tu coche uniquement la cible release, et que tu compile en mode debug, par exemple, ben ton fichier ne sera pas compilé. Après, c'est à toi de voir, si tu as besoin d'utiliser le débugger, tu n'as pas le choix, tu dois compiler en debug.

https://askubuntu.com › questions › 819138

undefined reference to errors when compiling c files?

Usually, undefined reference to main means exactly what it says: programs need a main function as their entry point - does your prime_numbers_2.c have one? BTW please don't post big chunks of code in comments - you can edit your question instead.

https://community.st.com › t5 › stm32cubeide-mcus › undefined-reference-to-main-error-while...

Solved: undefined reference to `main' error while Convert ...

I am trying to convert c project to CPP in STMCUBE IDE, Now I generate the code to STM32H745 (Dual core) and convert to CPP by using convert to CPP option in CUBE IDE. I am getting following error. undefined reference to `main'. (check in attached screenshot)

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › language › main_function.html

Main function - cppreference.com

If the main function executes a return that specifies no value or, which is the same, reaches the terminating } without executing a return, the termination status returned to the host environment is undefined. (until C99)