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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 76343772 › how-to-resolve-unresolved-reference...

How to resolve 'Unresolved reference: android' error in Kotlin Android ...

You're using synthetic properties from the old Kotlin Android Extensions plugin, which is where these imports come from: import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_lessonexample.* But that plugin was removed in Kotlin 1.8 (as per this blog post) and since you're using 1.8.10 that stuff isn't just deprecated, it's gone completely.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 54857446

How to fix "Unresolved reference " error in Kotlin Android Studio 3.3

I was following a tutorial and everything was going smoothly until I received a ton of "Unresolved reference errors" I looked at other peoples post concerning this problem but nothing seemed to help as I still receive multiple errors. I tried: Build -> Clean -> Build -> Rebuild. File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart.

https://sebhastian.com › unresolved-reference-kotlin

How to fix unresolved reference issue in Kotlin and Android Studio

Learn what causes the unresolved reference error in Kotlin and how to resolve it by declaring variables, functions, and libraries. See examples, solutions, and tips for Android development.

How to fix unresolved reference issue in Kotlin and Android Studio

https://trycatchdebug.net › news › 1141434 › resolving-unresolved-references-in-android

Resolving Unresolved References in a New Android Project

In this article, we will explore how to resolve unresolved references in a new Android project using the official Android Developers course and Kotlin. We will discuss common causes and provide solutions.

https://developer.android.com › build › dependency-resolution-errors

Debug dependency resolution errors - Android Developers

Fix duplicate class errors. Fix conflicts between classpaths. When you add a dependency, you might encounter issues with dependencies required by the original dependency, and conflicts among different dependency versions. Here's how to analyze your dependency graph and fix common issues that arise.

Debug dependency resolution errors - Android Developers

https://blog.ronanlefichant.fr › 2020 › 02 › android-studio-unresolved-reference.html

Android Studio Unresolved reference - blog.ronanlefichant.fr

Android Studio Unresolved reference. Si tout est en ordre dans votre application et que les fichiers layout ou id sont bien présents, cette erreur est sûrement dû à un mauvais import dans votre classe. Allez voir dans l'en-tête du fichier classe et regardez les importations.

Android Studio Unresolved reference - blog.ronanlefichant.fr

https://discuss.kotlinlang.org › t › how-to-fix-unresolved-reference › 25871

How to fix Unresolved reference - Support - Kotlin Discussions

“Unresolved reference” is the compiler telling you that you’re using a name it doesn’t know about–kinda like me asking you to tell your “foo number” but you have no idea what a foo number is (it’s jibberish for the example). The compiler should include which reference you’re using that it doesn’t understand.

https://www.youtube.com › watch

How to fix unresolved reference error in Android studio (Kotlin)

This video will show you how to fix the "unresolved reference" error in Android studio for kotlin. Don't click this link:https://youtu.be/mdpfu8Lg15g?sub_co...

https://github.com › gradle › kotlin-dsl-samples › issues › 1393

Unresolved reference: android · Issue #1393 - GitHub

The solution in my case was to completely remove the android {} block, do a gradle sync, and then add it back.

https://developer.android.com › build › migrate-to-ksp

Migrate from kapt to KSP | Android Studio | Android Developers

Remove the kapt plugin. Check the libraries you use for KSP support. To get started, check if the libraries you're using with kapt already have KSP support. This is the case for many popular libraries (including Dagger, Glide, Room, and Moshi), and others are adding support.