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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 40586797

vba - Delete an item in an array - Stack Overflow

You can use function to delete particular value from array. Put this into your project:

https://bettersolutions.com › vba › arrays › adding-removing-items.htm

VBA Arrays - Items - Add / Remove - BetterSolutions.com

The following function can be used to remove individual items from an array. Public Function Array_RemoveItem(ByVal myArray As Variant, _ . ByVal iIndexNo As Integer) As Variant. Dim i As Integer. For i = iIndexNo + 1 To UBound (myArray) . myArray(i - 1) = myArray(i) . Next i . ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound (myArray) - 1) .

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › office › vba › language › reference › user-interface-help › ...

Méthode Remove (Visual Basic pour Applications) | Microsoft Learn

Cet exemple illustre l’utilisation de la méthode Remove pour supprimer des objets d’un objet Collection, MyClasses. Ce code supprime l’objet dont l’index est 1 sur chaque itération de la boucle.

https://www.vbforums.com › showthread.php

Remove Item from an array-VBForums - Visual Basic

Unfortunately, there is no one-line solution to deleting an item from an array. In VB.NET, there are multiple ways to do it, but unfortunately M$ was not as smart as they're beginning to be now. Essentially, the purpose the method of deleting the item from the array is to shift all items in the next highest index of the array down ...

Remove Item from an array-VBForums - Visual Basic

https://bettersolutions.com › vba › arrays › removing.htm

VBA Arrays - Removing - BetterSolutions.com

Learn how to remove items from fixed and dynamic arrays in VBA using functions, statements, or collection object. See examples, syntax, and tips for efficiency and performance.

https://www.mrexcel.com › board › threads › deleting-elements-of-an-array.940077

Deleting elements of an array | MrExcel Message Board

Hi. I have this function that is supposed to delete the element of an array at a required index. All input arrays start from 1 and are 2-dimensional. However, at the ReDim stage, it gives me an error that says subscript out of range. I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with the code.

https://www.vbforums.com › showthread.php

Removing an element of an array-VBForums - Visual Basic

You can't really delete an item in the middle of the array, but what you can do is to "shift" down and override the item you want to delete, then delete the last item with ReDim Preserve keywords. But in cases like this I would rather use a collection, they are made for this purpose, to add/delete in the collection at any index.

https://analystcave.com › vba-reference-functions › vba-array-functions › vba-erase-function

VBA Erase Function - Delete all items in VBA Array - Analyst Cave

Learn how to use the VBA Erase function to clear the contents of one or more VBA Arrays. See syntax, example usage and output of the function.

https://forum.excel-pratique.com › excel › vba-suppression-occurrence-vide-dans-array-178488

VBA - suppression occurrence vide dans Array - Forum Excel-Pratique

La fonction de tri par ordre alphabétique renvoie un Array dont la première occurrence est vide. J'ai beau utiliser un Redim Preserve, je ne parviens pas à supprimer cet indice de l'array comportant un "vide". J'ai joint le fichier ainsi qu'une capture d'écran. Merci de votre aide :) Voici le code : Sub villesReg_imp() Dim bcExtr$, texte_sql$ Dim connexion As Object Dim requete As Variant ...

https://www.mrexcel.com › board › threads › remove-empty-array-items-in-excel-vba.428131

Remove Empty array items in Excel VBA | MrExcel Message Board

Does your array need to be in a particular order? Sorting it would bubble all the blanks up to the top where you could bulk remove them.