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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 11899730

Running vbscript from batch file - Stack Overflow

5. Batch files are processed row by row and terminate whenever you call an executable directly. - To make the batch file wait for the process to terminate and continue, put call in front of it. - To make the batch file continue without waiting, put start "" in front of it.

https://www.developpez.net › ... › windows › batch-executer-vbscript-commande-com-exe

batch - Exécuter un VBScript comme un commande .com ou .exe

voici une possibilité : tu créés un batch ( par exemple monscript.bat ) dans lequel tu mets : c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe TonFichierVBS.vbs. puis tu lances ton batch ( monscript.bat ) en double-cliquant dessus ou directement en ligne de commande, et ton vbs va s'exécuter.

https://www.heelpbook.net › 2012 › visual-basic-calling-a-batch-file-through-vb-script-vbs

Visual Basic – Calling a Batch File Through VB Script (VBS) - HeelpBook

There would be some situations where we need to call batch file from [gs script]s. Here the script to call: INSTALL.bat; Copy the below code to Notepad (or equivalent text editor, like Notepad++ or other). Function Execute() dim shell. set shell=createobject("wscript.shell")

https://excel-malin.com › tutoriels › vba-tutoriels › lancer-macros-avec-fichier-batch

Lancer des macros VBA avec un fichier batch (en lot) - Excel-Malin.com

Tutoriel expliquant comment faire un fichier batch qui ouvre des classeurs Excel et lance des macros. Code prêt à l'emploi, exemples,...

https://superuser.com › questions › 974122

How to run a multi-arguments batch file from a vbscript in CMD?

I have a batch file called "ClockTalk.bat" that has 3 arguments: i use a vbscript called "HideBat.vbs" only to run the batch file with hidden dos screen: and i run it from the command line like this:

https://ss64.com › vb › run.html

.Run - VBScript - SS64.com

If a file type has been properly registered to a particular program, calling run on a file of that type executes the program. For example, if Word is installed on your computer system, calling Run on a *.docx file starts Word, and loads the document.

https://www.winhelponline.com › blog › vbscripts-and-uac-elevation

How to Launch a Vbscript in Elevated Mode (Run as Administrator)

Applications can make use of manifest files (using the RequireAdministrator flag) to automatically run elevated. For scripts, this article provides you some neat little tricks using which you can automatically elevate using the ShellExecute “runas” parameter.

How to Launch a Vbscript in Elevated Mode (Run as Administrator)

https://www.vbsedit.com › html › 6f28899c-d653-4555-8a59-49640b0e32ea.asp

VBScript - Run Method (Windows Script Host) - VbsEdit

The Run method starts a program running in a new Windows process. You can have your script wait for the program to finish execution before continuing. If a file type has been properly registered to a particular program, calling run on a file of that type executes the program.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 9074476

Is it possible to embed and execute VBScript within a batch file ...

Tom Lavedas posted a method to conveniently run dynamic VBS from a batch script over at Google Groups: No file VBS hybrid scripting. The method uses mshta.exe (Microsoft HTML Application Host).

https://www.thetechedvocate.org › 3-ways-to-run-visual-basic-script

3 Ways to Run Visual Basic Script - The Tech Edvocate

The last method to run a VBScript file is to create a batch file (.bat) that will execute your script. This method is useful for automating a series of tasks or simplifying the execution of multiple scripts at once.