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https://www.c-programming-simple-steps.com › what-is-void.html

What is void in C - C Programming Simple Steps

Learn how to use the void keyword in C to indicate functions that do not return value, accept parameters, or have specific type. See examples of void functions, pointers, and parameters.

https://lucidar.me › fr › c-class › lesson-08-03-void-keyword

Cours 8.3. Le mot-clé void dans les fonctions | Le blog de Lulu

Définition. En anglais, void signifie néant. Ce mot-clé est utilisé lorsqu'une fonction ne retourne aucune valeur ou n'accepte aucun paramètres. Voici un exemple de de fonction avec void : int main (void) { return 0; } Fonction sans valeur retournée.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 1043034

What does void mean in C, C++, and C#? - Stack Overflow

In C/C++ void means "untyped memory". void does not mean "nothing". An undefined thing is different than no thing. For example: MLT video framework returns a void * for newly allocated memory. If a C/C++ program leaks void * memory, it's definitely leaking something.

https://www.greelane.com › fr › science-technologie-mathématiques › linformatique › definition...

Quelle est la définition de "Void" en C et C++ - Greelane.com

Les fonctions void, également appelées fonctions ne renvoyant pas de valeur, sont utilisées comme les fonctions renvoyant une valeur, sauf que les types de retour void ne renvoient pas de valeur lorsque la fonction est exécutée.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › keyword › void

C keywords: void - cppreference.com

Learn about the void keyword in C language, which can be used to declare the incomplete type, or to specify a function with no parameters or return value. See examples, usage, and technical specifications.

https://www.gnu.org › software › c-intro-and-ref › manual › html_node › The-Void-Type.html

The Void Type (GNU C Language Manual)

Learn what the void type means in C and how to use it for functions that return no value. See an example of a void-returning function and how it differs from other languages.

https://www.gyata.ai › c › c-language-void

Understanding the Void Keyword in C Programming - Gyata

Learn how to use the void keyword in C programming to specify functions, pointers, and more. See examples, tips, and common errors of void in C.

Understanding the Void Keyword in C Programming - Gyata

https://www.codewithc.com › understanding-void-type-in-c-programming

Understanding Void Type in C Programming - Code with C

Learn how to use void as a return type, parameter, and pointer in C functions. See examples, limitations, and best practices of void type in C programming.

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Void

void — Wikipédia

En programmation informatique, void est un mot-clé que l'on retrouve dans le langage C (qui signifie "vide" ou "nul") et plusieurs autres langages de programmation, comme le C++, le C# ou le Java.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › data-types-in-c-integer-floating-point-and-void...

Data Types in C - Integer, Floating Point, and Void Explained

Learn about the different data types in C, such as char, int, float, double, and void, and how they are stored and used in memory. Find out the ranges, sizes, and limitations of each data type, and how to choose the right one for your task.