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The W3C Markup Validation Service

This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. If you wish to validate specific content such as RSS/Atom feeds or CSS stylesheets, MobileOK content, or to find broken links, there are other validators and tools available.

https://jigsaw.w3.org › css-validator

The W3C CSS Validation Service

CSS Validation Service. Check Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets

https://www.w3schools.com › w3css › w3css_validation.asp

W3.CSS Validation - W3Schools

The W3C CSS Validator checks for CSS1, CSS2, CSS3, and CSS4 properties. Some browsers use vendor extensions to simulate CSS3 and CSS4 properties. Vendor extensions can create warnings in the W3 CSS validation prosess.

https://dev.w3.org › CVScode › 2002 › css-validator › validator.html.fr

Le service de validation CSS du W3C - dev.w3.org

Bienvenue sur le service de validation CSS du W3C, un service gratuit pour vérifier la conformité des feuilles de style en cascade ( CSS) autonomes ou intégrées aux documents (X)HTML vis-à-vis des recommandations du W3C.

https://dev.w3.org › CVScode › 2002 › css-validator › validator.html.en

The W3C CSS Validation Service

Welcome to the W3C CSS Validation Service; a free service that checks Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in (X)HTML documents or standalone for conformance to W3C recommendations. Note : If you want to validate your CSS style sheet embedded in an (X)HTML document, you should first check that the (X)HTML you use is valid .

https://dev.w3.org › CVScode › 2002 › css-validator › validator-uri

Le service de validation CSS du W3C

Bienvenue sur le service de validation CSS du W3C, un service gratuit pour vérifier la conformité des feuilles de style en cascade (CSS) autonomes ou intégrées aux documents (X)HTM vis-à-vis des recommandations du W3C. Validez votre feuille de style. Validation par URI.

http://www.css-validator.org › validator.fr.html

Service de validation CSS du W3C - css-validator.org

Vérifiez vos feuilles de style CSS et vos documents HTML stylés avec CSS. par adresse URI. par chargement de Fichier. par Saisie Directe. Validation par adresse URI. Saisissez l'adresse URI du document (HTML avec CSS, ou CSS seul) à valider : Adresse : Options supplémentaires. Profil :

https://www.w3.org › wiki › CssValidator

CssValidator - W3C Wiki - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The CSS validator is translated in more than 10 languages. The translation kit contains instructions for translation, as well as two types of files: static documentation (HTML, encoded as utf-8) pages; a properties (text) file listing the terms used in the validator, and their value in english, to be translated; Once a translation is ...

https://validator.w3.org › about

About the W3C Markup Validation Service

The Markup Validator is a free service by W3C that helps check the validity of Web documents. Most Web documents are written using markup languages, such as HTML or XHTML. These languages are defined by technical specifications, which usually include a machine-readable formal grammar (and vocabulary).

https://jigsaw.w3.org › css-validator › manual.html

CSS Validator User Manual - W3

CSS Validation Service. Check Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets

CSS Validator User Manual - W3