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https://websockets.readthedocs.io › en › stable › index.html

websockets 13.1 documentation

websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness, simplicity, robustness, and performance. It supports several network I/O and control flow paradigms. The primary implementation builds upon asyncio, Python’s standard asynchronous I/O framework. It provides an elegant coroutine-based API.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › API › WebSockets_API

WebSockets - Les API Web | MDN - MDN Web Docs

L'API WebSocket est une technologie évoluée qui permet d'ouvrir un canal de communication bidirectionnelle entre un navigateur (côté client) et un serveur. Avec cette API vous pouvez envoyer des messages à un serveur et recevoir ses réponses de manière événementielle sans avoir à aller consulter le serveur pour obtenir une réponse.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › API › WebSocket

WebSocket - Web APIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection. To construct a WebSocket, use the WebSocket() constructor.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › API › WebSocket

WebSocket - Les API Web | MDN - MDN Web Docs

L'objet WebSocket fournit l'API qui permet de créer et de gérer une connexion WebSocket à un serveur ainsi que d'envoyer et de recevoir des données sur cette connexion. Pour construire un objet WebSocket , on utilisera le constructeur WebSocket() .

https://websockets.readthedocs.io › en › stable › intro › index.html

Getting started - websockets 13.1 documentation

Learn how to use websockets, a Python library for building real-time web applications with WebSocket protocol. Follow the tutorial to create a Connect 4 game with browser and server communication.

https://websockets.readthedocs.io › en › stable › reference › index.html

API reference - websockets 13.1 documentation

For convenience, many public APIs can be imported directly from the websockets package. Features: Check which implementations support which features and known limitations. Features. asyncio (new): It’s ideal for servers that handle many clients concurrently.

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Websocket

WebSocket — Wikipédia

WebSocket est un standard du Web désignant un protocole réseau 1 de la couche application et une interface de programmation du World Wide Web visant à créer des canaux de communication full-duplex par-dessus une connexion TCP pour les navigateurs web.

WebSocket — Wikipédia


WebSockets handbook | WebSocket.org

WebSockets are the go-to for dynamic, user-friendly applications that require real-time interactions. This handbook covers the history, protocol, guides, API, and resources of WebSockets.

WebSockets handbook | WebSocket.org

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › API › WebSockets_API

The WebSocket API (WebSockets) - Web APIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The WebSocket API makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive responses without having to poll the server for a reply.

https://github.com › websockets › ws

ws: a Node.js WebSocket library - GitHub

ws is a simple to use, blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation. Passes the quite extensive Autobahn test suite: server, client. Note: This module does not work in the browser. The client in the docs is a reference to a backend with the role of a client in the WebSocket communication.

ws: a Node.js WebSocket library - GitHub