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javascript - What does "return false;" do? - Stack Overflow

return false inside a callback prevents the default behaviour. For example, in a submit event, it doesn't submit the form. return false also stops bubbling, so the parents of the element won't know the event occurred. return false is equivalent to event.preventDefault() + event.stopPropagation()

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 855360

When and why to 'return false' in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow

return false; then is useful in event handlers, because this will value is used by the event-handler to determine further action. return false; cancels events that normally take place with a handler, while return true; lets those events to occur.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › when-and-why-to-return-false-in-javascript

When and why to 'return false' in JavaScript? - GeeksforGeeks

In JavaScript, there are two methods- preventDefault() and Return false, that are used to stop default browser behaviour but their functionalities and uses are little different. This article shows how these two are different. JavaScript preventDefault() Method: This method stops the event if it is stoppable, meaning that the default action that bel

https://www.delftstack.com › howto › javascript › javascript-return-false

How to Return False in JavaScript - Delft Stack

Return false follows the following three steps. It stops the browser’s default behavior. It prevents the event from propagating the DOM. It also stops callback execution and returns immediately. Developers use the return false in many different cases. It relies on the boolean (true or false) value.

How to Return False in JavaScript - Delft Stack

https://www.developpez.net › ... › general-javascript › demande-d-explication-return-false

Demande d'explication : "return false" - JavaScript - Developpez.com

return est une instruction souvent implicite qui clot une fonction: elle définit la valeur à "retourner" par la fonction; plus particulièrement, quand return a pour valeur true ou false, elle indique si l'action par défaut prévue par le navigateur doit être exécutée sur l'objet qui a appelé la fonction;

https://bito.ai › resources › return-false-in-javascript-javascript-explained

Master return false in JavaScript: Control Flow & Beyonde - Bito

By returning false from a function or handler, we can indicate failure, prevent default actions, and stop propagation. However, return false can be misused, so understanding when and why to employ it is critical. In Javascript, false represents a Boolean false value.

https://css-tricks.com › return-false-and-prevent-default

The difference between ‘return false;’ and ‘e.preventDefault();’

The difference is that return false; takes things a bit further in that it also prevents that event from propagating (or “bubbling up”) the DOM. The you-may-not-know-this bit is that whenever an event happens on an element, that event is triggered on every single parent element as well. So let’s say you have a box inside a box ...

The difference between ‘return false;’ and ‘e.preventDefault();’

https://www.basedash.com › blog › when-to-return-false-in-javascript

When to Return False in JavaScript - Basedash

Returning false in JavaScript is a common way to indicate that an operation did not succeed, or a condition has not been met. It's a signal to the rest of the program to halt a certain behavior or to signify an error without throwing an exception.

When to Return False in JavaScript - Basedash

https://www.reddit.com › ... › comments › owx890 › what_difference_does_return_vs_return_false_and

What difference does "return;" vs "return false;" and when ... - Reddit

Both terminate the function. return means ONLY termination, while return false, return 8, return 'hi', or return anything else means terminate AND tell the caller what the output was. When the js engine sees return, it quits the function and gives the caller some value.

https://askavy.com › javascript-when-and-why-to-return-false-in-javascript

When and why to 'return false' in JavaScript? - Askavy

In JavaScript, the `return false` statement is typically used in the context of a function. It is used to immediately stop the execution of the current function and return a `false` value. Here are 5 examples where the `return false` statement is commonly used: 1. Form validation: javascript.