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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 59394620

javascript - Why fetch returns promise pending? - Stack Overflow

The fetch(url) returns a Promise object. It allows attaching “listener” to it using .then(…) that can respond to result value (response to the request). The .then(…) returns again Promise object that will give result forward.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 54656223

fetch function return Promise <pending> - Stack Overflow

The function given as then parameter will be executed asynchronously (sometime in the future when your server returns a response), but then itself return Promise immediately (in synchronous way) by its definition.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 38884522

Why is my asynchronous function returning Promise { <pending> } instead ...

The then method returns a pending promise which can be resolved asynchronously by the return value of a result handler registered in the call to then, or rejected by throwing an error inside the handler called.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Learn › JavaScript › Asynchronous › Promises

How to use promises - Learn web development | MDN - MDN Web Docs

calling the fetch() API, and assigning the return value to the fetchPromise variable; immediately after, logging the fetchPromise variable. This should output something like: Promise { <state>: "pending" }, telling us that we have a Promise object, and it has a state whose value is "pending".

https://medium.com › ... › how-to-make-http-requests-using-fetch-api-and-promises-b0ca7370a444

How to make HTTP requests using Fetch API and Promises

Pending Promise. When making an HTTP request as an asynchronous operation, fetch will not return any data. However it will return a response promise. When we log the response, it will...

How to make HTTP requests using Fetch API and Promises

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › API › Fetch_API › Using_Fetch

Using the Fetch API - Web APIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The fetch() function returns a Promise which is fulfilled with a Response object representing the server's response. You can then check the request status and extract the body of the response in various formats, including text and JSON, by calling the appropriate method on the response.

https://medium.com › @firatatalay › promises-and-the-fetch-api-3072859932d9

Promises and the Fetch API - Medium

So in the very beginning, we say that a promise is pending. And so this is before any value resulting from the asynchronous task is available. Now, during this time, the asynchronous task is...

Promises and the Fetch API - Medium

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › web-apis › javascript-fetch-api

JavaScript Fetch API - JavaScript Tutorial

The fetch() returns a Promise that resolves into a Response object. Use the status or ok property of the Response object to check whether the request was successful. Use the json() method of the Response object to parse the contents into JSON data.

https://forum.freecodecamp.org › t › how-to-solve-the-problem-of-promise-pending › 233520

How to solve the problem of Promise { <pending> }?

Looks like you are not waiting for your promises to be settled. Try that: let data = await Promise.all(q.map(async item => { let url = ctx.db.execute( `select * from work_flow_pic where flow_id=${item.no}` ); return { create_time: item.create_time, no: item.no, url: await url }; }));

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › API › Window › fetch

Window: fetch() method - Web APIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs

A fetch() promise only rejects when the request fails, for example, because of a badly-formed request URL or a network error. A fetch() promise does not reject if the server responds with HTTP status codes that indicate errors (404, 504, etc.).