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https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › windows › win32 › learnwin32 › winmain--the-application...

Point d’entrée de l’application WinMain - Win32 apps

Chaque programme Windows inclut une fonction de point d’entrée nommée WinMain ou wWinMain. Le code suivant montre la signature pour wWinMain : int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › windows › win32 › learnwin32 › winmain--the-application...

The WinMain application entry point - Win32 apps

Every Windows program includes an entry-point function named either WinMain or wWinMain. The following code shows the signature for wWinMain : int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 12497655

vb6 - Where the execution starts in VB - Stack Overflow

Yes, please remove either the Vb.Net or that Vb6 tag, they're different languages and the answer is different for each. Actually WinMain () gets called for a GUI program. The optional Main () in VB6 and the Main () in VFred or C# aren't the "real" Main or WinMain either.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › windows › win32 › api › winbase › nf-winbase-winmain

Fonction WinMain (winbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

Point d’entrée fourni par l’utilisateur pour une application graphique Windows. WinMain est le nom classique utilisé pour le point d’entrée de l’application. Pour plus d’informations, consultez Remarques.

https://chgi.developpez.com › windows › winmain

La fenêtre principale. - Developpez.com

Le point d'entrée d'une application Windows est la fonction WinMain. C'est l'équivalent de la fonction main des applications classiques. Elle est appelée par le système d'exploitation au lancement du programme. Il lui fournit quatre paramètres.

http://www.manmrk.net › tutorials › basic › PowerBASIC › pbcc6 › winmain_function.html


WINMAIN (or its synonym MAIN) is a user-defined function called by Windows to begin execution of an application. Syntax. FUNCTION {WINMAIN | MAIN} ( _. BYVAL hInstance AS DWORD, _. BYVAL hPrevInst AS DWORD, _. BYVAL lpszCmdLine AS WSTRINGZ PTR, _. BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG ) AS LONG. Remarks.

https://www.codementor.io › @malortie › build-win32-api-application-window-c-cpp-visual...

Building a Win32 App Part 3: a Simple Window - Codementor

Unlike console applications, Win32 applications need to use a specific function named WinMain. This serves as the program entry point. CALLBACK is a macro that serves as an alias for __stdcall, an exclusive Windows calling convention. int CALLBACK WinMain(.

https://learntutorials.net › fr › winapi › topic › 1149 › premiers-pas-avec-l-api-win32

Win32 API Tutoriel => Premiers pas avec l'API Win32

WinAPI (également connu sous le nom de Win32; officiellement appelé API Microsoft Windows) est une interface de programmation d’application écrite en C par Microsoft pour permettre l’accès aux fonctionnalités de Windows. Les principaux composants de WinAPI sont: WinBase: les fonctions du noyau, CreateFile, CreateProcess, etc.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › windows › win32 › api › winbase › nf-winbase-winmain

WinMain function (winbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

WinMain is the conventional name used for the application entry point. For more information, see Remarks. Syntax int __clrcall WinMain( [in] HINSTANCE hInstance, [in, optional] HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, [in] LPSTR lpCmdLine, [in] int nShowCmd ); Parameters [in] hInstance. Type: HINSTANCE

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 1792275

Difference between WinMain and wWinMain - Stack Overflow

The only difference between WinMain and wWinMain is the command line string and you should use wWinMain in Unicode applications (and all applications created these days should use Unicode). You can of course manually call GetCommandLineW() in WinMain and parse it yourself if you really want to.