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https://reference.wolfram.com › language › ref › Series.html

Series: Expand a function (power, Taylor, fractional, ...)—Wolfram ...

Series[f, x -> x0] generates the leading term of a power series expansion for f about the point x = x0. Series[f, {x, x0, nx}, {y, y0, ny}, ...] successively finds series expansions with respect to x, then y, etc.

https://www.wolframalpha.com › calculators › series-calculator

Series Expansion Calculator: Step-by-Step Solutions - Wolfram|Alpha

Free Series Calculator helps you compute power series expansions of functions. Covers Taylor, Maclaurin, Laurent, Puiseux and other series expansions. Answers & graphs.

Series Expansion Calculator: Step-by-Step Solutions - Wolfram|Alpha

https://reference.wolfram.com › language › guide › SeriesExpansions.html

Series Expansions—Wolfram Language Documentation

The Wolfram Language can generate series approximations to virtually any combination of built-in mathematical functions. It will then automatically combine series, truncating to the correct order.

https://reference.wolfram.com › language › ref › Expand.html

Expand: Get the expansion of an expression—Wolfram Documentation

Expand[expr] expands out products and positive integer powers in expr. Expand[expr, patt] leaves unexpanded any parts of expr that are free of the pattern patt. >

https://www.wolframalpha.com › examples › mathematics › calculus-and-analysis › series-expansions

Series Expansions - Wolfram|Alpha

Find a Laurent series expansion: series cot z. series (sin z)/z^3 to order 10. series exp (1/x) at x = infinity. Get answers to your series expansion questions with interactive calculators. Solve Taylor, Laurent or Puiseux series expansion problems.

https://www.wolframcloud.com › obj › juanklopper › Published › Chapter07SeriesExpansion.nb


In this chapter we explore the series expansion of functions. The Maclaurin series is a special case of Taylor expansions. Such expansions allow us to recreate functions within an interval. This helps us understand the approximation of functions.

https://www.wolframalpha.com › widgets › view.jsp

Taylor Series Calculator - Wolfram|Alpha

A calculator for finding the expansion and form of the Taylor Series of a given function. To find the Maclaurin Series simply set your Point to zero (0).

https://mathworld.wolfram.com › SeriesExpansion.html

Series Expansion -- from Wolfram MathWorld

A series expansion is a representation of a particular function as a sum of powers in one of its variables, or by a sum of powers of another (usually elementary) function f (x).

https://mathworld.wolfram.com › TaylorSeries.html

Taylor Series -- from Wolfram MathWorld

A Taylor series is a series expansion of a function about a point. A one-dimensional Taylor series is an expansion of a real function f(x) about a point x=a is given by (1) If a=0, the expansion is known as a Maclaurin series. Taylor's theorem (actually discovered first by Gregory) states that any function satisfying certain ...

https://resources.wolframcloud.com › FunctionRepository › resources › FactorialSeriesExpansion

FactorialSeriesExpansion | Wolfram Function Repository

Expand a function into a factorial series. Contributed by: Jan Mangaldan. ResourceFunction ["FactorialSeriesExpansion"] [expr, z, n] gives the nth-order factorial series expansion of expr in z. Details. A factorial series is also known as an inverse factorial series.

FactorialSeriesExpansion | Wolfram Function Repository