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https://docs.spring.io › spring-boot › reference › using › using-the-springbootapplication...

Using the @SpringBootApplication Annotation :: Spring Boot

Learn how to use the @SpringBootApplication annotation to enable auto-configuration, component scan and extra configuration on your application class. See examples, aliases and alternatives for customizing the annotation attributes.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › spring-boot-springbootapplication-annotation

Spring Boot - @SpringBootApplication Annotation - GeeksforGeeks

Learn how the @SpringBootApplication annotation simplifies the setup and configuration of Spring Boot applications by combining several essential annotations. See examples, explanations, and common issues with this annotation.

https://docs.spring.io › spring-boot › how-to › application.html

Spring Boot Application

Learn how to create, troubleshoot, and customize Spring Boot applications with various features and options. Find out how to use FailureAnalyzer, ConditionEvaluationReport, EnvironmentPostProcessor, ApplicationBuilder, and more.

https://springhow.com › springbootapplication-annotation

@SpringBootApplication annotation - How it works | SpringHow

Learn how to use the @SpringBootApplication annotation to configure auto-configuration, component scanning and bean registration in Spring Boot applications. See examples of how to override default values and exclude unwanted auto-configurations.

https://www.springcloud.io › post › 2022-09 › springboot-application

@SpringBootApplication in Spring Boot - Spring Cloud

In this article, we will explore the principles of @SpringBootApplication, a core annotation in Spring Boot. Create sample applications. Quickly building a project using the Spring Boot CLI

@SpringBootApplication in Spring Boot - Spring Cloud

https://www.digitalocean.com › community › tutorials › springbootapplication-springapplication

Spring Boot @SpringBootApplication, SpringApplication Class

Learn how to use @SpringBootApplication annotation and SpringApplication class to launch a Spring application from a Java main method. See an example of a Spring REST web service with Spring Boot dependencies and configuration.

Spring Boot @SpringBootApplication, SpringApplication Class

https://www.baeldung.com › spring-boot-start

Spring Boot Tutorial - Bootstrap a Simple App - Baeldung

Learn how to create a standalone, production-grade web application with Spring Boot, an opinionated addition to the Spring platform. Follow the steps to configure a simple MVC view, security, persistence, and web tier with examples and code snippets.

https://dev.to › saurabhnative › purpose-of-springbootapplication-annotation-in-spring...

Purpose of @SpringBootApplication Annotation in Spring Boot

Learn how the @SpringBootApplication annotation simplifies the setup of a Spring Boot application by combining three annotations: @SpringBootConfiguration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan. See an example usage and the benefits of this annotation-driven approach.

Purpose of @SpringBootApplication Annotation in Spring Boot

https://openclassrooms.com › fr › courses › 4668056-construisez-des-microservices › 7651931...

Créez un microservice grâce à Spring Boot - OpenClassrooms

Mais le plus important ici, c'est bien sûr l'annotation @SpringBootApplication, qui est une simple encapsulation de trois annotations : @Configuration : donne à la classe actuelle la possibilité de définir des configurations qui iront remplacer les traditionnels fichiers XML.

Créez un microservice grâce à Spring Boot - OpenClassrooms